I have my disks and Serial numbers for:
Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional 1118-1471-4501-0070-9005-5118
Photoshop CS2 1045-1092-3913-2046-7415-1444
Premiere Pro2.o 1132-1171-2826-9223-2601-5516
GoliveCS2 1033-1120-4225-79-78-9580-6357
Encore DVD2.0 1119-1106-8063-9255-8041-6142
Audition 2.0 1137-1024-8395-7160-0213-4773
After Effects 7.0 Professional 1063-1200-9697-8502-5373-0567
Illustrator CS2
My old computer crashed and I was going to re-install these…will they still work or are these programs obsolete?
Is there newer versions that you can authorize me to download? What should I do…HELP
Jimmy Lembcke