Not sure what's going on inside Adobe Bridge CC 2014.1, but why is it that my images are not displaying at full size. Bridge says they're displaying at 100% but I know that's not the case, because when I open the same images in Mac OS Preview (OS 10.10.1 Yosemite) at 100% they're much bigger. Is there a viewing preference setting I'm missing?
Also, I use Bridge and Photoshop on two mac pro desktops: one at my office and one at home.
At work, I created more than 30 keywords in Bridge for several hundred images that reside on my external thunderbolt hard drive. But when I take that hard drive home and connected it to my home mac and then open Bridge, only a handful of keywords appear. I don't see the full list of keywords that I created at work. But in Bridge, I didn't see any option to save or export keywords as a file.
Although the image metadata does appear, because whatever keyword i assigned to an image at work does display on the home mac, I just don't see the entire keyword list.
Can or should Bridge therefore only be used on one computer? Is it not possible to transfer the entire Bridge keyword list from one mac to another?
Thanks in advance for any help feedback with this.