I am trying to install Adobe XI Pro.. I have already loaded and run with no problems Photoshop, Indesign, and others but this program refuses to go beyond about 81% where something happens and then it runs up to 84% then stops and offers the message..
<PRE>Exit Code: 7
Please see specific errors below for troubleshooting. For example, ERROR:
-------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
- 0 fatal error(s), 3 error(s)
----------- Payload: Acrobat Professional {23D3F585-AE29-4670-8E3E-64A0EFB29240} -----------
ERROR: Error 1920.Service Print Spooler (Spooler) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.
ERROR: Install MSI payload failed with error: 1603 - Fatal error during installation.
MSI Error message: Error 1920.Service Print Spooler (Spooler) failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services.
ERROR: Third party payload installer AcroPro.msi failed with exit code: 1603
I have turned off my Firewall and Antivirus programs so there should be no interference there..
I hope you can suggest a solution.. Thank you.. Don