Ok...after creating what you are looking for I think your confusion may be in global variables initialization with Director vs other languages. Within Director it is necessary to reintialize the global variable within each script you need to access it in.
So what I have done is create a two slide movie...for lack of better names slide 1 and slide 2.
Step 1: create the PrepareMovie Script - this script preloads the field (text box) with "type your name". In this case I just assigned "type your name" to the playerName global varialble.
On prepareMovie
global playerName
playerName="type your name"
Step 2:
Place cast members into slide 1
your name - text cast member
fname - field cast member
continue - sprite button
Step 3:
Place cast members into slide 2
verify - text cast member
recall - sprite button
reveal - text cast member
Result should look something like this in the score:
Step 4: Scripts
Script 6 is nothing more than a "go to the frame" script to keep the play head in place.
on exitFrame me
go to the frame
Script 7 just under the Slider 2 Marker
on prepareframe me
global playerName
member("verify").text="Just to be certain your name is "& playerName
The Continue Button Script - attach this to the button as button script
on mouseUp
global playerName
---stuff within the field box
go to next
The Reveal Button Script
on mouseUp me
global playerName
Thats it really....if its your first time using global variables inside director it can be a bit confusing if you are used to other programming languages.
Good luck