Re: Photoshop CS6 Extended jpg size problem
Check the resolution of the JPEG. Incidentally, MS Word tends to handle PNG files much better than TIFFs or JPEGs. Just something to try.
View Articlewhy does my adobe or flash player crash
I can t play game very long because my adobe and flash player crash all the time or say is stoped working please help
View ArticleRe: Encore
>ADOBE, could you please While there are a "few" Adobe employees who answer questions here, even they say to go to if you want your...
View ArticleIs there an "Access Level" field on the "Send for Shared Review" screen (Pro X)?
I'm using Pro X, but haven't come across the "Access Level" field expalined in this on-line video f-reviewing/Is this something...
View ArticleRe: Imported .MXF files playback with no Audio.
Can you provide more info about the source camera? The one I'm most familiar with is the Panasonic family of DVXPRO HD cameras, which write to a set of folders. The parent folder is named "CONTENT." It...
View ArticleRe: Photoshop CS6: Why don't images automatically open in 'Fit Screen' mode,...
gener7 wrote: It uses Photoshop's built in Script Events Manager which automagically fits the image to screen as soon as you open the file… That's a pretty good feature. As I wrote above, I also need...
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to Dynamically construct contents pages from contents of a...
Yes, you should go over the help files, but I can give you the bullet points. You apply one or more paragraph styles to certain bits of text in your document, and designate those styles as part of the...
View Articlelogin > 404
Hello, i use firefox, i'm from czech republic, windows 7 64 When i try to login to forum, it almost always redirects me on 404 page! I have to swap countries from Czech to US and hope one of the many...
View ArticleRe: Deactivation of my photoshop elements 8 serial number
Editor>Help>Deactivate. If the computer is broken and you can't do it that way, the only other option is to contact activation support:...
View ArticleRe: How can I install a Flash update without installing McAfee?
It's not a "bug" we're criticising. It's a business decision and relationship destroying one at that, that we are criticising. So in essence, your answer is that yes we're correct that Adobe have...
View ArticleRe: InDesign library: How is this possible?
hi, by using apple script tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5"set lib to librariesif count of lib > 0--already openelse --not open end if end tell
View ArticleRe: Photoshop CS6 Extended jpg size problem
Thanks for responding, station_two All of the files -- tif, CS6 jpg, CS4 jpg, (and PNG, at your suggestion) -- have identical pixel size and resolution settings. Only the CS6 jpg displays at the wrong...
View ArticleProblems with Adobe Exchange/Extensions Manager in Dreamweaver CC
Hi - having problems with getting my extensions to appear in Dreamweaver CC after upgrading from Creative Suite 5.5. Converted all previous extensions to zxp files and downloaded some new ones through...
View ArticleRe: Time or speed ramping
CS6 doesn't have any form of speed ramping as far as I know. The next version (Audition CC) has the Pitch Bender feature back--really useful in sound design terms but I'm not sure that's exactly what...
View ArticleRe: Unable to install 2.1 trial -
I'm registered user (paid Extension Builder) and after download e try install this version, my flash builder 4.6 crash, i spending much time with this.
View ArticleRe: Prroblems Exporting .MOV files from Flash CS5
Hi Everyone, Have you tried exporting your content to MOV files using Flash CC? The new export video workflow is designed to provide a simple and seamless experience. I encourage you to try the feature...
View ArticleRe: Not able to unistall Acrobat 9 on Windows XP
What happens when you try to uninstall? How are you trying to uninstall?
View ArticleRe: what's with the haters?
I'm ok with that too. Now i pay in 3 years "similar to Master Col" what i would pay in my country for one perpetual licence simillar to Design Standard. Everyone said before CC, they upgrade software...
View ArticleRe: Password Protect Revel in iPad
Because Revel requires an adobeid and password to get in, you can logout of Revel each time you use it on your ipad if you wish. Most users just have a password on their iPad and leave the app logged...
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