I purchased the yearly Photoshop plan. How can I install the photoshop in my...
I purchased the yearly Photoshop plan. How can I install the photoshop in my mac?
View ArticleRe: Tons of errors with 2014.1 running on OS X Yosemite
I'm using Adobe Edge Animate with Yosemite... I'm new to using Edge though so its hard to tell when something is me or if its a bug... my money is on my woes being bugs (util proven otherwise :-) This...
View ArticleRe: Illustrator quit unexpectedly
We can't know. You have not provided any system information or other useful technical details like crash logs. Mylenium
View ArticleRe: How to disable Full Motion Recording (FMR) during assessment mode?
From experiment and observation we found that in addition to Mouse dragging and scrolling, drop down menus also trigger FMR
View ArticleCreative Cloud for Mac Available?
Hello, I have been using Creative Cloud on Windows 8 PC and I was wondering if there is a Adobe Creative Cloud for Mac (OSX latest version). I assume there is but can't find it? I have used Adobe...
View ArticleRe: Line art file suddenly looks pixelated. How do I get it to look smooth...
Turn off the pixel grid. Mylenium
View ArticleRe: Log in
I don’t recall seeing a circle-exclamation-point icon for a bad serial number, but I’ve been on the cloud version of LR for over a year so maybe I’m forgetting or maybe it’s changed or maybe what it...
View ArticleRe: Illustrator CS5.1 crashes on opening using Macbook Yosemite latest version?
Without the crash logs we can't tell you anything. Mylenium
View ArticleFind text in using Regex pattern
Hi Friends Is its possible to find the text using Regex pattern using Acrobat SDK or script
View ArticleRe: Illustrator CC 2014 crash when copying text in a document that has Arabic
Turn off the system-wide spell checker. Mylenium
View ArticleRe: update error U44M1I210
Run the cleaner tool, start from scratch. Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6 Mylenium
View ArticleRe: my desktop is covered with Adobe Reader icons. Why? How to get rid of them?
Assuming that you are on Windows: possibly https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/kb/application-file-icons-change-acrobat.html
View ArticleRe: photoshop wont let me edit my images i have created or change the colour...
Maybe if you take a screenshot of your work area, with the layers panel open, we can more easily see what is going on. Can you do this? Include the file tab at the top. Use the camera icon to upload it.
View ArticleRe: How much does it cost to get help on paid support?
Oh yes, I have done that all ready, even tried to do the safe mode. I was able to get it to work once, since January 26th, however it involved the changing security permissions and even though Adobe...
View ArticleRe: photoshop wont let me edit my images i have created or change the colour...
On the right of the screen theres the layers for your image, to edit whatever is on that layer you must first select that particular layer. If you image is made multiple layers, To change the colour of...
View ArticleRe: I get an error when opening a library pdf: E_IO_CANNOT_OPEN
Please delete the book and download it again as book was not correctly downloaded or saved on machine. Thanks
View ArticleRe: Adobe Muse Fehler in der Seitenauflösung auf dem Tablet?
Du mußt da gar nix separat bauen, sofern du nicht ein Template verwendest, dass keine multi-device Unterstützung hat. Die Muse Standardtemplates sind von Anfang an kompatibel. Aber ist wurscht. Ohne...
View ArticleRe: I bought "Creative Cloud single-app membership for Acrobat Pro...
Exactly my issue too....?
View ArticleRe: Illustrator CS6のアップデートができません。
補足ですが、16.0.5のアップデータだけ特殊で、Illustratorの実行ファイルを直接置き換える方式になっています。なので16.0.2→16.0.3とアップデートした後、16.0.5だけProgram FIlesにあるIllustrator.exeを置き換えることになります。
View ArticleRe: 11.0.10 constantly crashing
Uninstall Reader using http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/acrobatcleaner.htmlthen download and reinstall it from http://get.adobe.com/reader/enterprise/ If the crashing and hanging persists, disable...
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