flickering and video layers showing underneath problem!
Hi, all this is premiere cc2014 i have no problem with premiere cc! More often than not when using video effects (particularly film convert, red giant cosmo and the new video effects masks) the...
View ArticleRe: How do I control floating div widths?
terryfoster wrote: OK.I am using a floating div style for the site. Now in the wider resolutions I want two boxes to float left side by side of equal widths of 48% with a 2% margin between When in...
View ArticleRe: Problem with using PS on Surface 3 when I attach an HDMI monitor
I have the keyboard cover also. However when you do detach it the only way to use short shortcuts is to pop-up Microsoft on-screen keyboard or re-attach the keyboard both way are time consuming and...
View ArticleI cannot deauthorize my adobe 4.0
i cannot reauthorize my adobe 4.0. It says try after some time.
View ArticleRe: having trouble changing a jpg to a vector object on illustrator!
Stella, How about View>Show Bounding Box (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+B)? Presuming you have Object>Image Trace>Expand
View ArticleRe: FLASH and Co only via download?
if you are interested...VirtualDub doesnt read my footage (unknown codec and format!)today I will check the free flash konverter, but this file needs AVI!my weekend will become exciting....I am...
View ArticleRe: Liquify tool not working on HP laptop Win 8.1
I have been having the same issues with CC2014. I had made a topic before but did not find a solution. "The backdrop settings are preventing the preview from showing brush changes." CS5 would allow me...
View ArticleRe: CFBuilder 3 syntax coloring is not working for nested tags, why did I miss?
And my comment was made simply to help you consider alternatives. If perhaps you may not have found it helpful, then like you I hope it also may have helped other readers who end up in the same boat as...
View ArticleRe: attempting to export file at 2880x1440, but premier pro changes it to...
The supported resolution is the same between 5.1 and 5.2, however check the frame rates - 60fps is not supported for your resolution with 5.1 Jeff
View ArticleRe: I can´t install Adobe Premiere. What can I do?
update manually: pre cc updates: http://www.adobe.com/downloads/updates/ cc updates: http://prodesigntools.com/adobe-cc-updates-direct-links-windows.html cc 2014 updates: win...
View ArticleRe: Surface pro 3 pen pressure
Hi Krill, When you say the latest Flash CC, is it the one that we released in February? Thanks,Preran
View ArticleRe: password required for external user and not for internal users
Hi, Are you referring to the identify verification or the 'set password to open signed pdf' option? Thanks
View ArticleRe: Premiere Pro CC Crashing when Scrolling Through Sequence in Timeline -...
Hi Impala Boy,I set up a keyboard shortcut to quickly turn off the waveforms. That seems to be a reliable workaround.Four months into this problem and still no solution? What's going on, Adobe? As we...
View ArticleI am missing PDF Printer (PDFMaker), have reinstalled Adobe Professional and...
Please help me add back the PDF Printer - I am missing the PDF Printer (PDFMaker) and have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Adobe Professional 10, I have tried repairing it and made sure the options...
View ArticleRe: In the process of reformatting my macbook pro, I saved everything but my...
That's great dude!!!! I really did not want to glaze ur eyes over with a programmatic solution!! Have a good day
View ArticleLDAP Test Environment
We're looking at bringing up a test LDAP server, something that would not sync with our current domain, just a stand alone device for ColdFusion LDAP application development. I was hoping to get some...
View ArticleRe: How to toggle a stopwatch programmatically?
most AEGP suites work for both AEGP's and Effects. the keyframe suite worksfor both.
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