Check latest Flash version using Ajax request
Hello and here is my simple question. Is there any URL on site that I can call from my page to find out latest flash player version? I know how to parse response using JS and just want to...
View ArticleRe: How to remove lens flare in a long exposure picture?
The Clone Stamp Tool might well suffice. Using it on a separate Layer and applying a Vector Mask or Layer Mask to that can help to avoid affecting the struts.
View ArticleRe: Having color troubles!!
Ok, thanks. It's a fairly routine suggestion,doesn't always help,but glad you are back in business. Now you can get some well deserved rest.
View ArticleHow to add Image caption in a Frame Maker document
Hi,How can we add image caption in a Frame Maker document, as in a word document.
View ArticleRe: AIR 3.8 containsVideo is causing black screen at app start on some tablets
Nice video It is working correct on the Galaxy Tab 2 and the Galaxy S3. I've not yettested it on the other devices.Op 4 jul. 2013 06:58 schreef "nimitja" <> hetvolgende:...
View ArticleRe: LiveCycle and Active Directory resilience
Hi Damion, As far as I understand, you are adding two Directory providers in a single LiveCycle domain. One of the directory provider (DC2 and which has a 15 minute delay) overrides the user/groups...
View ArticleRe: Is there a way to make 2.5 fog in AE?
AE doesn't render depth buffers and that seertles that. If you need this functionality, you need to buy plug-ins or create your own setups with even more expressions. Digieffects Depth Cue might help...
View ArticleRe: Detecting zoom gesture in Edge Animate
Dear sarhunt, Sorry for the long delay, I posted my solution more in detail in replay to njacobs32 and jplbm.
View ArticleRe: Check latest Flash version using Ajax request
Perhaps here: main_Check_if_you_have_the_latest_version_of_Flash_Player
View Articletransferring ownership of a license to other user
Wie funktioniert der Übertragungsprozess der Lizenz?
View ArticleRe: listen Keyboard events in AIR for iOS? [HELP]
Thanks for the post and code. I am experiencing the same problem with an iPad app that has an option for input from a bluetooth keyboard. I updated to AIR 3.7 and switched to StageText vs TextField but...
View ArticleRe: cant download using Ubuntu system PLEASE HELP
View ArticleRe: AE CC Not rendering properly
Nobody can even begin to guess without proper system information, comp settings, render settings, what footage was used and so on. Simply sounds like you used a) MP rendering with incompatible effects...
View ArticleRe: Error-Unable to detect Microsoft PowerPoint. You must have PowerPoint...
Hi Try installing presenter 32bit for the office 32bit and presenter 64 bit for office 64bit.Check this link : Thanks,SunilAdobe...
View ArticleRe: 41 reasons why you shouldn’t date a photographer
Hey Aldon, I found this thread pretty interesting!
View ArticleWhat is the official AIR SDK and FLEX version to release for iOS6 ?
Hi, Wanted to know which AIR SDK and FLEX version is fully suporting the iOS6 to submit to Apple.I found that AIR SDK 3.4 is supporting iOS6, though the code created for iOS 6 is not working correctly...
View ArticleRe: How do I get a new page for film format in adobe?
When you create a new film script, the first page you see is a title page.The page after this title page is the one where you generally type in your scenes. It looks like you are facing some issue and...
View ArticleHow to import youtube video into premiere cs4
I installed adobe premiere cs4 and was really astonished by the fact that it's not possible to import a video downloaded from YouTube, but it is needed to convert it firstly. This application is weight...
View ArticleRe: Output file is in slow motion
What the otehrs said: Read up on that stuff! Not just the AE help, but on CoDecs, file formats and al lthat in general. Mylenium
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