how to set xml tag to nothing in indesign using applescript?
Hi guys,I need set xml tag to nothing(for tables) in indesign using applescript.Please help me.
View Articlea .png file to replace hundreds of the same image buttons on different pages
On over 100 html pages there is the same HTML button imagine. I want to replace them all with a .png image that I have. Is there a way using css or some tool that that .png image can replace all the...
View ArticleRe: Can't import .mov files
it is either coming from a cannon or Nikon... two different camera's were used. I am not sure what codec I am using.
View ArticleRe: Green screen when playing videos
Disabling hardware acceleration should resolve this. If you're on IE11, you'll need to the following:
View ArticleRe: 請求書は印刷できるのですが、領収書はどうやれば印刷できるのでしょうか
ジャパンフォーラムのご利用ありがとうございます。 申し訳ございませんが、アカウント内から印刷できるのは請求書のみになります。また、弊社でも領収書の発行は行っておりませんので、クレジットカード会社の明細書をご利用いただきますようお願い致します。 なお、ご質問内容から「総合案内」のコミュニティに移動させていただきました。
View ArticlePhotoshop CS6 shuts down systematically
I have a legitimate Photoshop CS6 license.For some reason, I started having problems with it while I never had any before.When I start Photoshop, it stays there for a couple of seconds and then shuts...
View Articleerror loading deployment packager
I get the following error when downloading the CC Packager. Any ideas?FYI I have retried in a few minutes.
View ArticleRe: PDFL Failed to Intialize
Try running the Adobe Creative Cleaner to rid your system of all previous Adobe products and Extensions. Reinstall a fresh copy of PS and Illustrator from the server. Worked for me.
View ArticleRe: I have been trying to do the serial number retrieval for the Photoshop...
that O with a slash thru it is probably the number zero-also there are many letters/numbers/symbols that if you are not looking closely can result in incorrect input
View ArticleRe: Anybody have the same little lag bug with Wacom and photoshop cc from...
I am using OSX 10.10.2 with photoshop CC 2014 and intuos 4. I had been experiencing similar problems described here and I found that the only way to make photoshop cc 2014 work as intended without lag...
View ArticleRe: I have been trying to do the serial number retrieval for the Photoshop...
A slashed Ø often represents the number zero, to distinguish it from the character O. If you have more questions, please ask in the Downloading, Installing, Setting Up forum.
View ArticleRe: LMS reports that SCORM zip file has virus
As such I could not find any issues reported to us for Adobe Presenter 9. It seems to be like that it is either project specific or machine specific issue. Please send us your sample Presenter package...
View ArticleRe: Info on SYstem Variables - Jump to slide using variable
Hi Lilybiri you understand exactly what I was asking. I indeed needed a variable to be used with cpCmndGotoSlide. techPerceptor - I can't use the jump because it makes me select a specific slide and...
View ArticleMac OS X 10.10 Yosemite cs6 インストール不能
MacOS X 10.10にディスク版 CS6をインストールしようとしていますが、出来ません。次のアプリを終了して下さいとのメッセージ。「SafakiNotificate」を終了せよでます。強制終了でも出てこないアプリです。
View ArticleRe: I can no longer use my CS4 Master Collection.
I had the same problem. And I clicked that link and followed the instructions. My programs now work. Thank you!!
View ArticleRe: How to implement the function like this?
Sorry for the confusion. It's just an example, I wasn't aware it's pointed to american arilines. It should be User visit then the player plays 1.swf User visit...
View Articleライセンス認証
View ArticleExtension Mgr won't install extension into Dreamweaver CC
I'm trying to install an extension (from Project VII software) into Dreamweaver CC, but Extension Manager tells me I have to have Dreamweaver 6 or higher, then closes.
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