edge to WordPress
Please tell me how to install the animation made with edge to WordPress .
View ArticleRe: Edit individual samples?
Lookup dirac delta function and impulse response. There's no point in discussing this anymore. In your considerable experience maths can often get in the way of a basic understanding of a concept....
View ArticleRe: is typeahead possible in Acrobat Forms or is it just for LiveCycle Designer?
There's a built-in Auto Complete option in Acrobat/Reader, but you can't script this behavior, as far as I know. It's probably possible to do it, but it would be quite challenging and probably won't...
View ArticleRe: Which version of Adobe Creative programmes should i buy for my Mac OS X...
Moved from the Captivate forums to the Creative Suites forum.
View ArticleCorrupted MS Word file on Windows 7 when Saving as PDF - ZWADOBEF
I have a Word 2013 file on Windows 7.I started to "Save As PDF", but cancelled the process because it was taking so long. My Word doc is about 200 pages. When I went back to work on the document, the...
View ArticleRe: will Encore let me write DVDs with sidecar (e.g. SRT) subtitle options?
There are three options (all called "scripts") for bringing subtitles into Encore, but (I think) they all get baked into the DVD structure as overlays that are basically images. Text file scripts often...
View ArticleRe: how to activate licence after purchase and reception of serial number
I think this is something you will have to work out with Adobe. If you keep working your way down in the link I am providing, you will be able to start a live chat with Adobe. They will have access to...
View ArticleRe: O pagemaker 7 não abre porque não encontra o ALDFS32.dll
Trabalho com o pagemeker 7 por mais de 6 anos com windows XP. Pela primeira vez, o Avast bloqueou com a mensagem que o arquivo AldFS32.dll estava infectado com malware e o passou para quarentena. O...
View ArticleRe: CS6 - Strange red box when trying to Save As
Thank you for this! Did not even think to look at this!
View ArticleRe: Compatibility issues CS5 to CC 2014
RMarchand schrieb: Is there any workaround for this, like maybe saving a copy in EPS instead? I know it's an older format but it use to OK to open older versions of Illustrator's files. EPS doesn't...
View ArticleePub, a button inside another button
Hello everyone, Is it possible to create a button and inside that button have more buttons like a drop down menu? Has anyone tried that before?
View ArticleSetting up a records section?
I have a form i created to keep track of the sick time at work. The form needs to be printed and saved. On the old system we have we are able to hit a back button and see all of the forms we have ever...
View ArticleRe: Can't download Premiere CC only CS6
Hi John, Yes, I meet the system requirements, however I didn't when I installed CC. I had an out of date OS. I just upgraded to an OSX which meets the system requirements. I still don't have Premiere...
View ArticleAnimate CC 2014.1 - 100%w & 100%h don't work anymore for symbols
Hi. I experienced a strange thing in the latest update for Edge Animate. Before it was always possible to set a symbol to 100% height and width. You had to enter the symbol and then set the height and...
View ArticleFoutmelding E_ADEPT_NO_TOKEN openbare bibliotheek boek
Ik krijg bij het downloaden van een geleend e-book uit de openbare bibliotheek de foutmelding E_ADEPT_NO_TOKEN. Kan het boek niet in Adobe DR openen en niet naar mijn e-reader overzetten. Hoe los ik...
View ArticleRe: match image size in photoshop to smaller printed original? (use ruler...
It has been addressed, and nothing is hidden. normfb demonstrated that.Hmmm. One person's answer does not necessarily demonstrate a solution.You set the units. Preferences > Units and Rulers...No......
View ArticleRe: Unable to paste text copied outside DW in DW 2014.1
About/* Dreamweaver Fluid Grid Properties ---------------------------------- dw-num-cols-mobile: X 4; dw-num-cols-tablet: 8; dw-num-cols-desktop: 12;...
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