Re: Premiere Elements 4 download?
Okay, so no download available anymore. I unfortunately do not have the funds to purchase a newer version. Is there a way to burn the program onto a disc from the computer it is on so that I may...
View ArticleRe: iOS ability to apply buildnumber
See bug and please vote for it: Feature#3944256 - Separate iOS Build and Version numbers
View ArticleScroll with Lable of timeline
Hello when I open in different browser sizes, buttons lose sync with the position. can anyone help me? Dropbox -
View ArticleRe: How do I make the menu bar bigger?
This is the Adobe Business Catalyst Forums section, this is about a tool that makes websites. If your after photoshop help you should look to those forums. All elements of photoshop windows are...
View ArticleRe: Where do you find Adobe Premiere Elements 13.1?
click help>update. ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE 13: Adobe Releases Premiere Elements 13.1 Update
View ArticleRe: Too small to read menus and icons
Dowloaded photoshop 2014...opened it and the menus are still to small to read.
View ArticleRe: After Effects CC "Unable to Create Font" error fix?
> The project in question doesn't have any text in itThis isn't about the project content having text in it. This is about After Effects not having access to the font(s) that it uses for its user...
View ArticleRe: I bought a license for Lr a few years back and installed it on a mac...
Thanks, I have a Lr v. 5 version and key. Will Adobe let me download Lr onto my new iMac? All I see is a Creative Cloud free trial. ??? Sorry for my ignorance!
View ArticleBest User experience with RAM types with Premiere CS6 and why
Hello, I am curious on what the best user experience is with RAM and what type, I am basically trying to cut through a lot of research and just find the best option. Thanks for saving me a ton of time...
View ArticleRe: Tracking CHanges?
Track Changes is basically for editorial text changes, not layout changes. You turn on the feature by opening up the Track Changes panel. Choose Enable Tracking in All Stories from the panel menu. You...
View ArticleRe: Re-Creating Text Effects for Video
Start here to learn After Effects: What you show there isn't hard once you've gone through the basic learning materials.
View ArticleRe: Media Encoder 6.0.3 : Unable to read from the source
I've had the same problem on and off for about 8 months now. Posted to every forum i could think of looking for a solution, tried every fix recommended. GermanTV nailed it. Start Adobe Encoder as Admin...
View ArticleRe: Re-activate CS3 on an old computer
You can contact Adobe Support thru chat and ask them to reset your activations. For the link below click the Still Need Help? option in the blue area at the bottom and choose the chat option...Serial...
View ArticleRe: downgrade to cc 2014.0.0
I have got three versions of Dreamweaver running on my machine, CS6, CC and CC(2014). They run quite well side by side.
View ArticleRe: Too small to read menus and icons
Edit > Preferences > Experimental Features, checkmark "Scale UI 200%" Restart Photoshop.
View ArticleRe: CAD u37 external mic causes PrE 13 to Crash
Steve Consider.... 1. I have stills on the Premiere Elements 13/13,1 Windows Timeline. All are Timeline rendered and display the green indicator line above the content.2. While those Timeline rendered...
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