Re: problems downloading the Photoshop Elements 13 & Premeire 13 pkg
Same problem here...Customer no service!!!
View ArticleRe: 学生版を購入したのですが、証明書を送るのが期日よりも遅れてしまいました。
AdobeJapanForumのご利用ありがとうございます。 一度ご注文状況の確認をさせていただきますので、AdobeChatサポート迄お問い合わせください。 チャットサポート受付時間月曜~金曜:9:30~20:00土曜:9:30~17:30 ※ライセンス認証のみ受付(日・祝祭日・弊社指定休日を除く)...
View ArticleI am masking something, need help.
I am masking something using Mosaic and Mask Path and I accidentally un-highlighted this circle I was masking. How do I re-highlight it?
View ArticleIllustrator default prefs
I'm brand new to Illustrator, and I'm instructed to restore the default preferences. I work with Yosemite, and I can't locate the file to delete. Opt-command-shift when launching doesn't work either. I...
View ArticleRe: Dreamweaver MX won't work right on my Windows 7 system. I can't insert...
If I am right, you are talking about Dreamweaver CS6 version 12.1. If that is the case, then press Ctrl+Alt+T to insert a table.
View ArticleRe: Crash bug in Premiere when editing Marker descriptions and using scroll...
March 9th and still having the same problem. I found this by searching on 'HotTimecodeControl'. I am able to replicate the bug as described here. Just so that Adobe is aware that it is not just a few...
View ArticleRe: can't make Perspective Warp work
You have a four year old display driver installed April 2011....glgpu[0].GLDriverDate="20110410000000.000000-000"
View ArticleRe: I have photoshop 7.0 which has stopped working on my computer. When I try...
I'll guess Windows If it were Mac, you would have an older Power PC system. Update 7.0.1 is here: Adobe - Photoshop : For Windows : Adobe Photoshop 7.0.1 update If that does not solve it: Let's try...
View ArticleRe: Shockwave will not update properly
RB Jones wrote: "Adobe Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version"Just F.Y.I: the current Shockwave Player version is
View ArticleRe: multiple objects to have the same rollover state at the same time (but...
Tool tip widget with 4 trigger containers and four target containers. A1 trigger has a target that appears directly on top of A2 and thus appears to be its rollover state. Etc.
View ArticleRe: プリンターを交換(エプソン EP-306)したところElements11から写真印刷が出来ない。
こんにちは、浩美吉67832146さん。 基本的なことで申し訳ありませんが、(違っていたらごめんなさい)メニューの「ファイル」→「プリント」を選択すると、「プリント」のダイアログボックスが開きます。ここの「プリンターを選択」で交換後のプリンターを選択しましたか。
View ArticleMultiple blank pages at the end of chapters CC 2014
I have a book set up with the intro, chapters, conclusion, notes, and index separated Screen Shot 2015-03-09 at 23.31.20.png • Droplr. If I export a PDF, everything works perfectly. If I export a fixed...
View ArticleRe: I am masking something, need help.
In the Effects Control tab for the clip, mouse click on the Mask you want to select: MtD
View ArticleRe: Is there a way to apply kerning (or "tracking") when editing a...
Thanks, but I think I actually just worked it out (after gathering hints from half a dozen self-help sites)... going through Touchup Text Tool, control/clicking the selection, and Properties, there's a...
View ArticleRe: Can't run Shockwave Flash Player in Uclick-Jigsaw puzzle?
RB Jones wrote: How do I remove my email address? When I go into my profile, I am not allowed to change or remove it.Sean suggested to remove your email address from your post, not your profile. The...
View ArticleRe: I am masking something, need help.
Under Mosaic in the Effect Controls panel, click on Mask (1) and your mask will be reselected in the Program monitor.
View ArticleRe: Im using Dreamweaver CC, and trying to install Dw CC(2014) at first...
Using the Adobe Application Manager should help.
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