Re: PARM error (shows as mrap) with multiple selections, no error with single...
Ooh! Go straight to here:Re: [Illustrator CS5.1] How to create customised argument for artboards.add functionIt is exactly the stuff you need!
View ArticleAdobe Presenter10でビデオファイルの取り込みについて
症状Adobe Presenter10でビデオファイル(mp4, WMV)の取り込みを行うとエンコードは完了(自動にエンコードされない?ので手動で実施)するのですがエラー「ファイルは読み込めませんでした」と表示され読み込みできません。PC環境・windows7 professional 64Bitソフト環境・Microsoft PowerPoint2010 32Bit・Adobe...
View ArticleRe: previewer
Hi philipo87145380, In order to preview PDF files, you might need to install the latest version of Adobe Reader. This included a preview handler that is compatible with Outlook versions as well.To...
View ArticleRe: I found a solution to Photoshop CS6, Windows 8.1 HiDPI, Small UI problem
This worked for me on my Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro - took just a little time, but worked with all Adobe products by editing the Name and .exe lines. Also worked with some non-Adobe products with the same...
View ArticleRe: PDF Image problem
Jose Villasenor wrote: But when opening it on a browser the images are okay -.-What browser are you using? Does it use the Adobe Reader plugin, or its own PDF viewer?
View ArticleError message when trying to download a free trial of Acrobat XI Pro
Hi, having issues when trying to Download a free trial of Acrobat XI Pro on Mac OS Yosemite 10.10.2After downloading the Install Adobe download assistant via this link...
View ArticleNeed a plugin to convert Raw files with CS 6 standalone version. 8.7.1...
We have a site license for CS6 for our company and for the past year have not been able to convert RAW files from our newer cameras using Adobe Camera Raw. We do not want to use the Cloud version as we...
View ArticleFlash does not download/O instalador não baixa o Flash
I can't install Flash Player on my Mac, the installer starts but do not download Flash, the progress bar just do not move. Não consigo instalar o Flash, o instalador inicia, mas o download não...
View ArticleRe: Where is my serial number?
There are two LR licensing models each with their own installer and program, one with a serial number, and one with a CC login. You apparently have the serial-number version installed but you purchased...
View ArticleRe: Why does the slideshow burned to a DVD not fill the TV screen when played?
Phil Let us recap and see if we can spot some points where the workflow needs adjustments.... 1. What were the pixel dimensions (width and height in pixels) of the photos that you started with, the...
View ArticleHow do I edit a scanned doc
I have converted a scanned picture doc to a word doc> How do I edit?
View ArticleProblem: Nothing happens when I queue export from Premiere CC.
As above. I do a basic queue export from Premiere, Media Encoder launches, then nothing is queued for render. Help thanks.
View ArticleI downloaded Adobe CS 5 to a computer that has since died
I need to load Adobe CS 5 on to my new computer. I emailed Adobe with no response and can't get through on chat or by phone. Can anyone help?
View ArticleRe: OS10.85で、CS6がアプリケーションフォルダーから消えてしまい、各アプリの起動が出来ません、設定エラー:16 と出ます。
フォルダーのアクセス権による問題のようです。設定エラー 16 | CC、CSアプリケーションの起動時に「設定エラー」や「エラーコード130:11」が表示される(Creative Suite 6) 上記記載内容以外にも、OS標準のディスクユーティリティでアクセス権の修復を行っていただいてもいいかしれません。
View ArticleRe: PARM error (shows as mrap) with multiple selections, no error with single...
Thanks Silly-V, but I don't see what this has to do with my question. Am I missing something? From doing a little research and testing I have found that my problem has to do with the variable set by...
View ArticleI cancelled my account in January but I'm still being billed. I need this to...
I cancelled my account in January but I'm still being billed. I need this to stop and be refunded. I cannot get in contact directly with Adobe to resolve this.
View Articledownload appears corrupted
Hi there when i try and download trial version premiere pro there is a message installation failed and download appears corrupted any ideas to fix thanks.
View ArticleRe: I purchased elements for windows by mistake and I need it for mac! What...
russellj From whom did you purchased Premiere Elements? Can we presume that you are referring to Premiere Elements 13, the latest version? If you purchased from Adobe, Adobe needs to sort out the...
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