the "basic" section of the develop module suddenly disappeared, how do I get...
I was in the develop module, click to move down to the detail section when the app flashed and the "basic" section was gone. I have no idea what I clicked and am not able to establish the "basic"...
View ArticleCan anyone offer feedback for my website?
I've started a file hosting website and would like some feedback in terms of design, ease of use and how well it works. Thanks.
View ArticleRe: Exporting an existing EDD to a DTD
Hi Gavin,seeing now, what you have at hand and what you need to achieve, there's a bit more help I can offer First off, it seems, that you already have a structured document to start with. You can...
View ArticleRe: Muse eCommerce integration with BC
Sorry Liam but a referral to the General Support page was not helpful. However anyone else with this problem, BC's Live chat gave me these links: Developer referenceMuse; Business Catalyst; Ecommerce....
View ArticleRe: How do I reduce the MB size of my JPEGS in LR?
There are two ways to change the file size:1. Reduce the quality setting like you have done. This will increase the compression at the cost of losing details/sharpness.2. Reduce the number of pixels by...
View ArticleRe: Photoshop Elements 13 シリアル番号が認識されない
View ArticleRe: How to bulk convert from PDF to other formats (HTML, Word, etc)?
With an Action in Acrobat Pro.
View ArticleRe: Photoshop for Linux OS?
And here I thought one-liners were an (unwelcome) outgrowth of instant messaging. Who knew arrogance was involved? Does anyone really think video games matter? -Noel
View ArticleRe: Can't install Flash player on Mac 10.10.1
Hi everybody. I am having problems with Flash palyer too. Downloaded the update installer an when I open it I keep on getting this error message:"Host - Process not elevated", I click "OK" and......
View ArticleUsing a pdf to support classroom learning in Flash
I am teaching a high school course on Design and am using Flash CS6. We have a pdf version of the "Classroom in a Book, Flash Professional CS5" and would like to make that pdf available to all our...
View ArticleRe: XDCAM EX codec missing
Standard Sony EX files are in a MP4 wrapper, these have imported fine for me in all versions of Premiere (except for a couple of issues with spanned files in the early versions). The trouble people...
View ArticleRe: Re: Catch the kerning value
Try this, var doc = app.activeDocument, _stories = doc.stories; for(var i=0;i<_stories.length;i++) { var characters = _stories[i].characters; for(var...
View ArticleRe: Surface pro 3 vertical mode
Silkrooster,I think i I figured it out.So problem appears when i create or open file in horizontal mode and then i turn tablet to have it vertically. The fastest way to work this around is "create new...
View ArticleRe: Rote Streifen im Bild / Abstürze
Wurden irgendwelche Veränderungen am System, wie z.B. Updates, Patches usw. vorgenommen? Sind alle Treiber aktuell?
View ArticleRe: Premiere Pro CC Audio in Sequence is Poor
Make a bars and tone 'new item'. Make a sequence from this clip, does the tone audio sound the same when playing the sequence and when playing from the source monitor?
View ArticleRe: Bearbeiten einer gespeicherten Suche nicht möglich
Sorry, aber hier bin ich dann raus aus der Runde. Ich habe keinerlei Erfahrungen mit Elements.
View ArticleRe: Auto-hyphen identifier
Try this, var doc = app.activeDocument, _stories = doc.stories; for(var i=0;i<_stories.length;i++) { var _lines = _stories[i].lines; for(var j=0;j<_lines.length;j++)...
View ArticleRe: Premiere Pro CC 2014 file size limits?
The Premiere timeline is limited to 24 hours. be interesting to know what he is going to do with a 37hr movie. If it is uncompressed HD it will be HUGE.
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