What versions of Flash Player are supported running on Windows XP / IE7
We are currently running Flash 11 and I would like to move to Flash Player 13.
View ArticleRe: Need chat operator help, for Premiere elements
PerhapsI ask too much, but you can notgive mea direct linktochatwithassistantadobe, which I think isthe fastest? Thank You
View ArticleRe: Can't install Flash player on Mac 10.10.1
I just tried it again using the exact same method as I tried previously and it is now working! Maybe there was an issue on Adobe's side which they fixed? Suggest you all try again now and see if you...
View ArticleRe: Extensions; CEP (Common Extensibility Platform); who has tried; who has...
It Doesn't get a lot of traffic, but the InDesign SDK forum is where program extensions are usually discussed, I think.
View ArticleRe: Client email issues - Logged tickets complete lack of response from BC
You can subscribe to updates if you wanted.BC Status page has been around for a long time now (years) and the blog has always been the source of information for everything BC. You do get an automated...
View ArticleDeleting trackbacks
I am trying to either delete or disable the Trackback link box from a clients blog pages, can't find anywhere to disable this? Any help would be welcome.
View ArticleRe: 購入した国名が、Adobe ID と一致しません
利用されているAdobe IDが日本以外で作られたものだとそれが出ると以前のトピックで上がっていました。改めて日本向けサイトでAdobe IDを作成してみてはどうでしょうか。
View ArticleRe: Bugs a l'ouverture : réparer les droits nécessaires aux dossier de...
Merci, je ne vois pas de dossier cache dans les preferences. Ou se trouve t'il ? dans les pref de indesign ? ou dans les pref du mac ?
View ArticleRe: document mode
grrr - it works fine in IE launching from scorm cloud. I'll get next to nowhere with my blackboard support team as they don't (or can't) help much with scorm files. Thanks anyway.
View ArticleRe: PDFに保存する時のプリセットについて
View ArticleRe: creative cloud won't launch
I turned on my computer this morning and the symbol on my mac where the wifi and battery symbol are, is not highlighted anymore... I recently changed internet modem...could this have caused a problem?...
View Articlecancel month to month premiere pro subscription
followed the instructions to cancelling a plan but it doesnt bring me to the second last page which is the page where i can cancel the plan need help finding another way to cancel this plan help!!!
View ArticleRe: Dell PRECISION T1700 Windows7 Professional 64bit 16GB Mem Phitoshop...
一般論になってしまいますが、下記の内容を確認して試してみてください。おかしいなと思ったら:Photoshop CS6/Photoshop CS6 Extended
View ArticleRe: Titles/Captions in Dutch remain in "Preview", but disappear (become...
Beste Lilybiri, Ik gebruik (nu nog) de TRIAL-versie van CP8; inderdaad de laatste versie die nu beschikbaar is, na het aanbrengen van de update: onder Windows 7.Bedankt voor je snelle...
View ArticleRe: After Effects unterbricht das render sobald ich ein anderes Programm...
pierre202020 schrieb: Das heißt, dass es neu ist und morgen behoben wirdJa-nee, is klar...
View ArticleMultidimensional Array in Indesign?
Hey guys, normally in javascript I can just create a multidimensional array like so: myArray = [ [] ]; and then assign values like this: myArray[0][0] = 'item1'; In extendscript I get the error...
View ArticleRe: why is it not possible to view 3D content in Adobe Reader when we use...
The mobile versions of Adobe Reader are newer, smaller, simpler products. Adobe don't seem to have any sense that feature parity is critical to them, so each mobile platform manages its own priorities....
View ArticleRe: Tried cc, uninstalled it, problem reinstalling cs2 because of lightroom...
Trying to solve problem by reinstalling cc for desktop, but the installationprosess stops (hangup) about two thirds into it.
View ArticleRe: How do you upgrade to latest camera raw version?
DdeGannes wrote: Quote "Personally I would regard 5 years support as reasonable, which would mean that CS5 should get new camera support until 2015." The issue here is ACR / LR raw processing engine...
View ArticleColdfusion 11 - Clear database cache
Hi We've just upgraded to CF11 update 3 on a 64bit Windows 2008 Server from CF10 and have found that my previous code to clear cached database queries no longer works as instantly or reliably as it did...
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