Re: Template
Yes, the template went missing and need to create a new one. This template is for the company's intranet site. Am back at work on Monday and can show you the code first thing. Thank you for reply,...
View ArticleRe: Lightroom and Camera profile without Photoshop?
As Jim said, Lightroom has Camera Raw already built in to it. And Lightroom contains profiles for your cameras, six for the 70D and five for the Stylus One.
View ArticleSample InternalServerReporting.php file
Will someone able to share a sample InternalServerReporting.php file that has been modified so that the Quiz Results data from Captivate 7 get posted to a SQL Server database?
View ArticleRe: Auto advance demo slides inserted between PPT-based slides
Yeah Lilybiri. I was one of the users who ignored it. Lesson learned. Our template (which I designed) did not have a blank daughter master slide. And, since it was positioned in between the PPT-based...
View ArticleRe: CC(2014) リンクパレットを開いた状態で画像を配置するとIllustratorが固まる
Windows 7 64bit環境のCC 2014で試してみましたが、仰るような現象は確認できませんでした。環境設定の破損などがあるかもしれませんので、初期化してみるのがいいかもしれません。場合によっては、お手間ですが再インストールも有効だと思います。 おかしいなと思ったら(Mac OS 版 Illustrator CC)おかしいなと思ったら(Windows 版 Illustrator CC)
View ArticleRe: Lightroom and Camera profile without Photoshop?
Being unfamiliar withAdobe products, my question couldseemcurious!Yetyou repliedwith a veryhigh accuracy.Now Iunderstand betterthe positioning of thesethree products.I willadoptthe approachyou...
View ArticleRe: Photoshop Elements 13 Album Problem
Michel your answer is right on --- thank you! Bruce Peters
View ArticleRe: I'm seeing all kinds of stuff about CS6 working as usual... that I don't...
No I didn't. This was done at an Apple store and I used Illustrator without issue for over a month. Now all the sudden it wants my serial number again and it seems connected with the Cloud. I don't...
View ArticleImport edge animate into after effects
Hi, is there any possibility to import a file that is created in edge animate into after effects?
View ArticlePerform an action after an animation is complete
Hello all, I am currently trying to achieve some basic functions in a prototype with Edge Animate. Because I am designing for both touch and non-touch devices, the first stumbling block I have come...
View ArticleWhen authorizing Adobe Digital Editions on Mac OS X, I receive error...
I am trinyg to authorize my computer with Adode Digital Editions, I enter my valid AdobeID and Password and get the following: E_AUTH_BAD_DEVICE_KEY. I have tried this solution, Error...
View ArticleRe: - Real Question - Digital Magazines are cool, really cool, but are they...
I don't think we are doing it alone for ego reasons. We are doing it because we have no choice. Here comes the top question again: Is print dead? For print only magazines, as good as!No magazine will...
View ArticleRe: I'm seeing all kinds of stuff about CS6 working as usual... that I don't...
I didn't have to install the programs on the new machine. I've been using them for over a month without issue until last night. I've found the emails with my serial numbers so I'll just enter those,...
View ArticleRe: change view angle of 3D grid with existing objects
Depending on your version you can change some aspects of perspective and adjust the objects:Illustrator Help | New features summary Which version is it?
View ArticleLightroom 5 for Mac. Joined CC to install filters but cannot find them or...
I have just installed Lightroom 5 to enhance my photographic work and decided to check Adobe for any free presets. Having registered with Cloud to enable download I cannot find either a Zip or link to...
View Articlehi
Hello. You've done a very problem thing by deleting a drop menus from Dreamweaver. Now I just have a not suitable plugins or must to pay for a using..If I was a very important customer, would require...
View ArticleUnable to access Text Styles as before
When I want to "Add Text" the preset Text Styles no longer appear. They were always so useful in previous projects
View ArticleRe: NPAAPI Plugin - PPAPI Plug-in
Sorry. It's working fine. I was doing something wrong.
View ArticlePhotoshop CC - where do I find the language settings
Hello, Recently I've bought the annual subsctription for Adobe Photoshop CC& Lightroom. I am new to the Creative Cloud software. I don't remember choosing the language version before paying for...
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