Re: Adobe digital editions keeps trying to install itself,
Here's an image of the error occurring: Imgur
View ArticleAcxrobat XI Pro will not install
I purchase Acrobat XI pro for download from Amazon. It downloads without error, accepts the serial number I enter, copies the files successfully, and nearly completes the installation (8 seconds...
View ArticleRe: Maintaining CC subscription on a Computer without Internet?
Thanx. I was aware of various "connections". I ended up buying a Wireless PCIe adaptor for the desktop ...which I will install tomorrow. The NAS is an important part of my workflow/system and the LAN...
View ArticleRe: Muse - Correo electronico en formulario de contacto
Me pasa lo mismo.Lo que estaba haciendo era copiar y pegar mi correo de gmail..... lo soluciones escribiendo a mano (teclenado) el correo.
View ArticleRe: disk full error
ATR - So I have double checked and I am updated to 13.1. I am still getting theFull Disk Error. I have done a CC Cleaner clean on my system and still noluck. I also just tried your "experimental"...
View ArticleRe: How to make a greasepainted face?
Incidentally, I wouldn't call your example a particularly good one. The emblem is to neat and symmetrical, whereas it should have some distortion where it follows the curves of the face. Not a lot,...
View ArticleRe: Question about Subtitle Timing in Encore
The .txt or .srt files should tell you the precise timecodes. Compare them to your Encore timeline. Do they match? What file format did you import to Encore? mpg? Encore "prefers" demuxed (m2v and...
View ArticleExport PDF is not available in my country. How do I convert PDF to MS Word then?
I am a translator and receive thousands of PDF files that are not editable. I'd really like to convert them to Word and use OCR service. What should I do?
View ArticleRe: Cannot combine PDFs into single PDF in Acrobat XI for Mac
Hey, You might try combining the PDF files using 'Create> PDF Portfolio' option and let me know if it works or not.Please let me know. Regards,Anubha
View ArticleRe: I can't open Premiere elements 13.
Tivers95 The operating system and possible error messages already asked about are important. Also, are you working from a homecomputer or a company or school network? I would like to get some...
View ArticleRe: disk full error
Something else I just tested. I am using the publish feature of trying tosave the video as AVCD , but when I try doing an expert on MPEG "NTSC DVDStandard" it starts to render. I dont get the full...
View ArticleRe: Old files created in version 3
In order to download Adobe Captivate 5 Windows English, open the link mentioned below and sign in with your Adobe ID and password. Once...
View ArticleHow can I easily "mirror" or "reflect" an object in Adobe Illustrator?
How can I easily "mirror" or "reflect" an object in Adobe Illustrator?
View ArticleConverting a line of code into something recognized by Animate
I'm trying to embed a LinkedIn profile on my Stage. However, due to the Same Origin policy for browsers, this has been difficult to achieve. However, after researching it, I've found what I believe to...
View ArticleRe: How can I easily "mirror" or "reflect" an object in Adobe Illustrator?
Select what you want to reflect.Right click, select transform then reflect.
View ArticleRe: Help! ipad content viewer not working!
thanks for reply, yes, the same account created folios in InDesign and signed into the viewer on iPad. I can see all the folios in the Folio Builder Panel, but they are not showing on iPad ...
View ArticleRe: MySql Selecting Database returns HTTP 500 Internal Server Error
The most likely cause is that MMHTTPDB.php and mysql.php scripts are not created inside the _mmServerScripts folder. Have a look here Using the Server Behaviors extension to enable Server Behaviors...
View ArticleRe: How can I set Illustrator CS5 color settings using Javascript?
Hi imagecollection, that was kind of true in 2010, color mode was possible to be changed via Actions and vbs or asRe: Change color space with CS6 or newer it is more straight forward since js can play...
View ArticleRe: What is the best PC laptop to use with Premiere Pro 2014?
Awesome! Thanks. Just to be sure I understand - I should render to the external SSD - the same drive that has my project files?Internal 7200 RPM - just has programs on it.
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