Hi, On opening organiser on Elements 12, I get " Online services could not be...
'Hi, On opening organiser on Elements 12, I get " Online services could not be initialized. Please reinstall. Press ok to continue without online services" And I can't open Editor.
View ArticleRe: How do I send a large file?
Or use a free file sharing service (Acrobat.com, Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, ..), upload the document, then send the shared download link via email.
View ArticleRe: disk full error
crayvision The Premiere Elements Timeline to file, followed by upload of the file to YouTube at the YouTube web site was done at your request to get aa video to YouTube as we worked on the basic...
View ArticleRe: Drop Down Menu Problems
the background colour is the page colour and the background image is the table background, why here is two background images I'll go through the code tonight thank you. do you have any suggestions...
View Articlewhy can't i see my imported photos in lightroom?
When I import photo's to Lightroom 5.7.1, they are not visible, but I do see that the correct number of images have been imported into the program.
View ArticleRe: What is the best PC laptop to use with Premiere Pro 2014?
the final export can be anywhere. the cpu will be working overtime and wont be reading the media files as fast as when doing playback in timeline edit. the render/preview files inside the timeline (not...
View ArticleRe: How to repeat same effect but that it will take text that previous effect...
*uggh* What an awful "tutorial". How can one make such a trivial thing so complicated? Well, anyway, simply use a duplicate of the whole thing and invert your masking. That's all you need. Mylenium
View ArticleRe: Error U11758
Hi, Could you please share your .muse file with us to investigate? Please email it to muse-support@adobe.com. If your file is greater than 20MB you can use something like Adobe SendNow or SendThisFile...
View ArticleRe: How to use photoshop on 4K monitor? the scale of interface is too small...
That aside, Congratulations, J.J. and Trevor on your MVPs!
View ArticleRe: Animation files missing on Captivate 8
Hi Jenni, This is not an installation issue. By default only SWF files comes with Captivate. GIF is an option if you need you can use any of your GIF file to insert it as an animation slide. But it...
View ArticleRe: Prelude crashes on preview of video icons
And one more thing you can try is : Disable the graphics card and then try to repeat the same thing. It seems to be a graphics card issue to me. But we need to be sure here. I am trying to find a...
View ArticlePhotoshop CS6 bug in animation merging layers
When using the merge option in an animation timeline, I'm trying to merge a layer onto a single frame in the timeline. The problem is, no matter how I try it, the merged frames become visible in every...
View ArticleRe: mac os x 10.5.8 で使える最新フラッシュプレイヤー
OS X 10.5用の最終版は下記よりダウンロードできますが、動画サイトでは最新版またはそれに近いものを要求されるので再生できる可能性は低いと思います。よって、基本的にはOSのアップデート等もあわせて行う必要があるでしょう。Archived Flash Player versions
View ArticleRe: DLLがありません
たぶんこれと同じですよねー。DVD書き出し時のエラー 英語だと以下の情報が見つかりました。PluginCoder error:no plugin DLLs 改善したようで良かったです。やはりメニューが邪魔しているという説が有力なのですかね。
View ArticleRe: Photoshop CS2 brushes looking scratchy?
So, resetting the preferences DID work, for a short time. As soon as I adjusted the hardness of the brush it started again. I can probably fix it again by doing what I did before, but do you know if...
View ArticleRe: How do I imbed a live link into a pdf?
I have just Acrobat Pro. Sounds like I need to call Adobe/Acrobat tomorrow. Thanks so much for all the effort to help me.
View ArticleRe: Technical problems (after effects won't start)
It worked fine before i updated my video card drivers... Well, then "un-update" by installing the old driver version again. Pretty obviously there is a compatibility issue... Mylenium
View ArticleRe: after effects has stopped working
Nobody can tell you anything without the crash info. Working with your Operating System’s Tools | Mylenium's Error Code Database Mylenium
View ArticleRe: mxf op1a adds black bar in the lower third of the screen
How many CPU cores do you have? We recently discovered an issue where systems with more than 32 cores can cause this issue. The way to test if this is your issue is to lower the number of CPUs your...
View ArticleValidation error
I am having difficulty with getting my site to function properly once uploaded. This is the validation error I am getting:The tag: "input" doesn't have an attribute: "border" in currently active...
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