Re: PSE 13 error: "the system cannot find the path specified"
See if that can help: can't help you because I don't use a NAS (I don't see any advantage, only drawbacks).If you can...
View ArticleRe: Nichts geht mehr - apps werden nicht geladen in CC
Ne, Win 7 muss unterstützt werden. Vista ist über Bord geworfen. Da muss das Problem woanders liegen. Ich würde dann alles deinstallieren, noch mal das CC Cleaner Tool drüber laufen lassen und dann...
View ArticleRe: Translating Old Handwriting into "Typed" Text?
Thanks. I was hoping for better news. Heard that some scholars of the Middle Ages had had luck with something they were using.
View ArticleI have a problem with cc library
My cc-library of indesign does;t work. I can't add anything and I can't see anything from my illustrator library.Anybody tips for me?
View ArticleADE 3 and Kobo Aura
HI i had to uninstall ADE v1.7.2.1131 today as it had duplicated my library from c2100 books to 4500 books not impressed. also could drag books onto reader went onto Kobo website and they suggested...
View ArticleI Want to Cancel
Friday, February 20, 2015 I contacted Adobe to purchase Acrobat Pro because I was in need of it right at that moment. I spoke with the representative and purchased the product as a student for $126....
View ArticleError in Photoshop VIDEO BOARD (NVIDIA Geforce GT 740m) intel core i7 says...
my photoshop does not recognize the video card in my computer and working all the time.what may be happening ????please help me VIDEO BOARD (NVIDIA Geforce GT 740m) intel core i7says Aida has not been...
View ArticleCan I download Adobe Presenter in both, My PC and LapTop?
I need to know if can Download Adobe Presenter in both, my PC and my LapTop [Surface]. Could anybody know?
View ArticleRe: Override print driver length limitation ?
Hi, We don't actually do any designing, we print from customers artwork.Ive used scaling on my print driver before and it didn't help. I think my best shot right now, without spending money, is to try...
View ArticlePSE 13.1 Update Errors
I got prompted to install PSE 13.1 updates, and did so. Then got the following helpful message. Anyone know what it is? Windows 8.1 system. Photoshop Camera Raw 8.7.1There was an error installing this...
View ArticleRe: CS 6 Work space will not stay set
Same thing.... The slider stays and the pallet drops... I am totally lost. I can hardly work... its crazy
View ArticleRe: how do I import or read Kodak pcd files?
It requires a special plugin. With CS versions it was on the included CD. Try doing a search on Adobe's main web page and see if it is available in the downloads.
View ArticleInterface (may be with Keyboard Maestro or Automator)">Is it possible? -> A shortcut to turn on/off the option "Show Transformation...
I really need a shortcut to have it on/off:
View ArticleRe: PSE 13 editor on OS X Yosemite is unusable?
Thank you. Just so I don't worry willyou explain why it's okay to delete these files/folders? Will I reset my preferences? I just don't want to mess something else up trying to fix something. Thanks...
View ArticleHow do I merge layers and retain transparency of images for printing?
How do I merge layers and retain transparency of images for printing? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks...
View ArticleRe: why do i keep getting microsoft has to turnoff photoshop
Could you capture your screen with that message, perhaps it will help.
View ArticleGot a new Mac that has Yosemite and am now getting an internal error message
I went from OS X Mavericks on my old MacBook Pro to Yosemite on my new MacBook Pro - and now Presenter Express 10 is not working. I see myself on camera and start recording but when I try to play back...
View ArticleRe: white background
I use a tri-fold white board display. (bought at Target) and place the item on small foot stool with plenty of light and flash. I hope this helps.
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