Re: elements 13でスライドショーを作成したいのですが・・・
hino_sunさん、こんにちは。 Photoshop Elements 13のスライドショーはだいぶ変わってしまったようですね。そのため私が書き込んだのは12での説明でしたので、書き込みを削除しました。失礼致しました。...
View ArticleRe: I cannot open premiere elements. i get a message saying that the program...
Bill Thanks for the reply. That Adobe Premiere Elements.exe file is the key file. If the program installed at all, it should be there. It should not be a hidden file.There are two .exe files there that...
View ArticleRe: "Live Selections" 8 bit?
Jeff Schewe is definitely the man when it comes to very large, very fine detail prints. Which has me wondering if you might get more feedback on Luminous Landscape forums. Other people who come to...
View ArticleRe: How can I upload a page from one template into the current website I'm...
Copy and paste is not an option. Muse support has already replied by email to inform me there is no way to copy/paste an entire page. But the contents can be copied.
View ArticleRe: 画像の拡大時に生ずる倍率色収差により生じる色のにじみを補正したい。
Lightroomでレンズの色収差を補正する方法は何通りかあります。それぞれ試してみました。(各スクリーンショットはクリックすると拡大されて文字がはっきりします。) 1.レンズ補正パネルの「色収差を除去」にチェックを入れるチェックするだけで、かなりの色のにじみが補正されます。...
View ArticleRe: How do I save PDF documents in Adobe Reader on my iPad?
Hello pat,i have posted my problem/question but no one has responded yet. Hope you can help.i Was working on my android tablet on PDFs document via adober reader app and made some highlights and notes...
View ArticleAdobe Lightroom4
Adobe Lightroom4を使用しています。テザー撮影時にraw.jpgを同時に撮影していますがAdobe Lightroomにjpgのみ転送する方法を教えてください。よろしくお願い致します。
View ArticleRe: Weird, big problem with images
there is a setting in the preferences, might be causing this. under general, "Default scale to frame size"
View ArticleRe: Acrobat Pro Trial download problem
Go to where you downloaded it and run the install program. The install is typically not automatic with a download.
View ArticleRe: Can I make a video tutorial similar to powerpoint, using photoshop?
CamtasiaTechSmith | Camtasia, Screen Recorder and Video Editor
View ArticleRe: Notes And highlights
Hi, Is your PDF document still open in Adobe Reader for Android? Please tap the back button to go back to the Reader home screen. Reader will close the PDF document and save the changes. Could you...
View ArticleRe: conversion from pdf to word produces gibberish ...
Your post is very confusing; are you actually usingAdobe Acrobat ?Adobe Reader with the ExportPDF service ?
View ArticleRe: Tethered capture 7D mark ii
There are two clues,1. Lightroom updates are issued approximately every three months.2. Adobe only commences working on Tether Capture for new camera models after the camera manufacturer issues updates...
View ArticleRe: I am trying to create a pdf from a scanned document
[topic moved to Services forum]
View ArticleRe: Video Lags After I Render It
The default rendering is lossless which was never designed for playback. After Effects is a tremendously complex application with nearly endless possibilities and you can't just jump in and start using...
View ArticleRe: I have a licensed copy of Adobe Acrobat X Pro for Windows. I recently...
It would be nice if Adobe could explain why they use a different S/N for the MAC and PC versions. It would make things a lot simpler and eliminate this problem and the issue for folks who have...
View ArticleRe: error in Muse : Object UID:U6875 has two (or more) owners: U3633 and U3165
Thanks! I just quite CC and sure enough muse needed to be updated.
View ArticleRe: Feature Request a TOTAL Digital Asset Manager/Media Library as part of...
It is specifically designed to handle many of the video codecs, and in reality can work with nearly any file document, image, or video ... though for some codecs it doth have limitations. That said,...
View ArticleRe: Bought PSE13 but my computer runs OS X 10.7.5. Can I swap for PSE12?
I have the same problemHave you found anything out?
View ArticleI try digital editons 2.0 and 3.0 and 4.0 and no one can change the page when...
each time a switch the page, the number change but not the text
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