Re: MACのOSをヨセミテにしてから、配置する画像が400パーセントになってしまいます。100パーセントで配置できますか?
Photoshopで解像度を再設定し、再保存したうえで配置してみたらどうなるでしょうか。原因の切り分けのためにも一度やってみてください。 あと以前の環境ではできたとのことですが、スキャナドライバの設定が変わった(リセットされた)可能性はあると思いますので、設定が本当に以前と同一か確認してください。
View ArticleRe: I am now responsible for editing a website and I am being told to use...
How right your are Murray, but after the OP said: I used wordpress to create a small website one time and I had no problems editing it, etc...., I thought it may be worthwhile having my two bob's worth.
View Article支払い手続きについて
一年前に購入した12か月版のAdobe Creative Cloudの利用できる期限が今日までと表示されたので、続けて利用していくために支払い情報を追加しようと思いクレジットカードの情報を入力するのですが、どうしても一番上の欄の「名義人」と住所に誤りがある と出て先に進めない状態です。どうすればよいでしょうか。
View ArticleRe: I just downloaded Photoshop Elements 13 and IMPORT is not functional....
It depends on whether you are getting any error messages or not. Can you post some details about this and define "IMPORT is not functional" Thanks.
View ArticleDreamweaver dropping passwords
Like others have mentioned before - Dreamweaver CC 2014 continues to ask for site passwords with every "put" command - if the app is closed and restarted. It does maintain them within the same session....
View ArticleRe: ???????? Interrogation???????????
Premiere Pro projects can only be opened with Premiere Pro.You can export to a format (like mp4) that can be played on a computer, but you will get a video, not the project..
View ArticleWhat is the easiest way to convert a jpeg into a watermark with CC 2014?
What is the easiest way to convert a jpeg into a watermark with CC 2014?I signed a paper and uploaded the image to the computer as a jpeg to be turned into a watermark. I'd done it before for a...
View ArticleRe: Hi, I already installed photoshop trial version and three weeks later I...
Hehehe… 300 baht at the current rate of exchange is a tad less than $9.20 US Cy. You didn't buyanything. You probably signed up to the Photography Plan subscription and paid for the first month...
View ArticleRe: New Build Question
With that i7-5820 being crippled on the PCIe lanes you may have a problem adding a RAID card. Consider an good SSD (probably faster than your 6 harddrives in RAID 10) for active projects and then...
View ArticleRe: Acrobat XI installed but won't open
Try removing using the Cleaner tool: Download Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool - Adobe Labs Then re-install.
View ArticleRe: I am running Photoshop CS5 on Win7. Don't want cloud version. New camera,...
It's your call. If you are a hobbyist. I clearly understand. If you run a business where you have much more overhead than $200, then you are keeping a rusty link in your workflow. Adobe should...
View ArticleRe: Enlarged bounding box around imported vector images (InDesign/Illustrator...
Hi Bob, thanks very much for this info. I figured there was a checkbox hidden somewhere... I tried all of the cropping options and although it seems like this would be a fix, it's unfortunately not...
View ArticleRe: Photoshop/Wacom Pen acting wonky since OS X Yosemite.
I'd be acting wonky myself if I had been hit by Yosemite! Happily running CS6 13.0.6 under Lion 10.7.5.
View ArticleRe: EVGA Precision X 16 tuning guide
JF, I guess I will explore returning this GTX 970 after the holiday's
View ArticleRe: No audio with BMCC CinemaDNG files
I'll try ... how are your audio preferences set up? Can you get audio on any other file types, say mov files in SpeedGrade? Neil
View ArticleRe: Photoshop CC won't open Adobe Camera Raw because of disk error
Any solution? I'm having the same issue.
View ArticleRe: How to rotate pencil mark in Acrobat X?
Hey, Can you please share the snapshots of both PDF pages with pencil marks before and after rotation. Regards,Anubha
View ArticleRe: Photoshop CC won't open Adobe Camera Raw because of disk error
Thank you for your email. I'm out of the office for the holiday break and will return Monday, January 5th. Sean CaytonCayton Photography719,
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