Corrupted project file. "An unknown error has occurred" help!
Hi everyone, have been working on a wedding video for 5 days straight and sdude my an error forced the app to close.After attempting to reopen the project an error message has popped up: "an unknown...
View ArticleRe: How to determine the download media required from my License key?
Thank you I now see the link. This does not help though as I donto have any details for the original order.
View ArticleRe: 購入した国名が、Adobe ID と一致しません
Adobe IDはメールアドレスになりますし、国は違ってもAdobeでの一元管理は同じなので、重複して作成するのは不可能だと思います。よって別のメールアドレスが必要になってきます。また現在のAdobe IDの削除は可能だと思いますが、その場合はチャットサポートのほうに連絡が必要だったと記憶しています。...
View ArticleHow do I strech a 4x3-compressed widescreen video back to 16x9?
I have recorded a HD television broadcast of my son's music performance on a Motorola VIP 1963 digital TV receiver with HDD.It is very important to get a decent quality video file of it - to be edited...
View ArticleRe: アウトライン化した文字の印刷時の"太り"の問題
Illustratorの仕様「とも」いえます。 Illustratorでフォントをアウトライン化した場合、プリンターで出力した場合についてはアウトラインの線の部分についても1ドット分の塗りを入れてしまいます。またフォント側にもヒント情報というものがあり、ヒント情報が付与されている場合は小さな文字や解像度の低いプリンタではそのアウトライン部分を考慮した状態で塗りを処理する仕組みになっています。...
View ArticleRe: title designer coordinates bug
No they don't, if you want it fixed you need to file a bug report.Adobe - Feature Request/Bug Report Form
View ArticleRe: Select tool stopped working in full screen mode
Hi, I would like to inform you that you need to use keyboard shortcut V to bring up the select tool (Ctrl-V does not work). Also, you may try pressing the F8 key to un-hide the toolbar. Regards,Nakul
View ArticleRe: ich verstehe leider adobe nicht ich habe versucht vor weihnachten das e...
Leider ist Dein Deutsch unverständlich.Von welchem Programm sprechen wir hier?Welche Version?Welches OS?Was ist das Problem?Welcher Typ von EBOOK ist betroffen?
View ArticleRe: Indesign goes from spinning wheel to stop responding?
To explain myself: Brownfieldnews, you are not the first one who did what you did to have such hassle. Many, if not most problems described here are based on a system update which seems to be, for me...
View ArticleAperture import is not working
I just installed Lr 5.0 and upgraded to 5.7. I'm trying to import my Aperture library, but Lr does not recognize any photos that I have on my laptop. Using a MacBook Pro. I have no idea what to do. I'm...
View ArticleRe: Adobe Illustrator CC 18.1.1 doesn't open files with "cmd O"
Fettone, You may try the list; you may consider going straight to 6). The following is a general list of things you may try when the issue is not in a specific file (you may have tried/done some of...
View ArticleRe: Copy PDF to clipboard script / shortcut
I don't think the engineers make their decisions on whether it's a good idea or not. It's usually that they have 2 settings and they pick one for the sake of it in a 50/50 toss up. There is more at...
View ArticleRe: Does adobe Premier Pro support XAVC-S Codec?
Converters means generation loss.What is the point of having a NLE that works native...
View ArticleRe: What is the difference between retail and student edition of Creative Cloud?
Hi there The Creative Cloud Photography Plan is the same price for individuals and students/teachers. It wasn't clear that you were asking about the Photography Plan initially, so apologies for any...
View ArticleRe: Lightroom - batch processing. One size (analysis and correction) does not...
In grid view, with your 100 pictures selected, in quick-develop section, if you click "Auto" (Tone), then Lr will evaluate each photo individually and auto-correct it. Is that what you want? (similarly...
View ArticleRe: What way has InDesign CS6/CC/CC2014 enhanced your productivity?
Thanks Ariel Actually "Keep With Previous" is in CS5.5 too Autosizing text frames I don't care for really - I have 1 text frame per page (as it should be lol). Actually from some layouts it would be...
View ArticleRe: When I open a RAW file from my new Sony camera, how can I get it to open...
When I have an NEF file on my desktop and click on OPEN WITH, it shows the programs, including Photoshop, that will open it. But, when I click on OPEN WITH for an ARW image, it doesn't show Photoshop....
View ArticleRe: Lines in Illustrator patterns
Emilia, Is it independent on your Edit>Preferences>General>Anti-Alias setting?
View ArticleRe: Anmeldung mit Adobe-ID funktioniert nicht
Was lädt und lädt und lädt?Wo versuchst Du Dich anzumelden im Web Browser oder in der CC Application?
View ArticleRe: I downloaded Adobe Premiere Elements to my iMac but got only one choice,...
The only reason why you are getting that error message is because you are trying to use a serial number that is specifically designed for Windows on a MAC machine. Did you purchase multi-platform...
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